Thursday, June 17, 2010

back to graceland...

I miss it already....but there is no place like home

I love the things I learn from Luke everyday, just to quote a few...

  • His blood is made of batteries, and cement
  • If we drink too much water we will turn into giants
  • Jesus talks to him =)
  • His imaginary friend JJ...lives in a tree
Being home hasnt been so bad so far--its actually been pretty great. The singles ward isnt looking too hoppin...but Im planning on shopping around haha.

Wedding this weekend down in Fayetteville, and then going to Carolina beach next week. Its a hard life im living until i get a job. Thats going to have to be soon though before I end up pulling all of my hair out

Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-ne-uh) is an irresistible urge to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows or other areas of your body.

Just a little fun fact, i thought of it because it was in the lifetime movie i watched tonight-which made me realize how desperate and poor lifetime movies have actually gotten....

What would happpen if they ran out of ideas for movie and just kept remaking things?

Is that where we are headed?

Whats the next form of entertainment going to be?

Will we be forced to watch Miley Cyrus eventually make out with some girl at some awards show?

just a few questions for thought...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

European Adventures in a nutshell

yea...sorry i pretty much SUCK at writing in my blog

I am back on American soil!!! Backpacking with Kenz was just amazing- to say the least.

Short version: We traveled the country side of Italy and then hit up the hot spots of Rome, Venice, Milan, etc. Wine country was def where it was at.
Italian Food=AMAZING
Italian Men= beautiful, yet a little too forward HA!
Italian People= Wonderful

one night train from hell and a chunnel later we were in London to enjoy Picadilly Square and 2, count them 2 broadway shows! Les mis (a snorer if you ask me) and Chicago! London was fabulous, the curry and fish and chips were to die for, and id marry an englishman in a heartbeat but i don'd think i could ever take him seriously with such an adorable accent!

off the Paris, the city of lights and love, where we shopped all of our money away, ate dinner in the tour de Eiffel, drifted down the Siene river, got our hair cut, ate lots of Carbs and cheese and caught a show at Moulin Rouge. I was un aware of the risque-ness of that show before we got there, however it was a good time none-the-less.

I love how vegetarian friendly all of the above places were, kudos to them. To those unaware I am now a sworn veggiemite and have been for 3 months and running! woohoo

4 weeks later here I am in Provo, homeless, once again, and contemplating. The smart move is to head back east where I belong and start making some of the money I spent. My heart tells me to stay- but sometimes you gotta go where the Lord puts you not where the fun is. So as I pack up and say my goodbyes, know that I love you Provo and all that reside within.

more updates soon....