Saturday, October 2, 2010

drama queen

ok.....can i just VENT for a second....

Ive had a horrible week. And it wasnt the kinda of week where you get really bad news and then mourn all week making everything else seem bad. I reallly tried. I DID. I tried to be optimistic, but there is a force bringing me

ex 1.) RUDE woman at post office who made me wait in the line 6 different times
ex 2.) Found out im losing my military ID on the day before my birthday and there is nothing i can do- I need that to get to work!!!! Now i have to wait in the inspection line...every single day
ex 3.) Traffic.
ex 4.) Lost my IPOD....yep thats ipod number DONE with those things
ex 5.) My birthday is next week and no one has offered to help me plan a party, so i say we just cancel the thing ALLTOGETHER
ex 6.) NOONE would cover for me at work together, do they not understand the concept of General Conference? ok no they dont but dang...r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Ive never turned someone down when they needed me to cover. dumb.

Yes...i may be a little dramatic right now, but sometimes a girls just gotta POUT

and on another note, I am super excited about Dallon getting selected to go to Ranger school. Even though its means he is missing my birthday, birthday party, and dads wedding-and im pretty sad about that but he really wants this and so Im very happy for him.

We made homemade red velvet cupcakes last night before our usual Friends Marathon.
They however did not LOOK, nor TASTE like these may appear HAHA
apparently using splenda in replace of regular sugar not only replaces any calories, but also any taste. We then turned to cupcakes in a box.

Im officially in my last week of being 20! Lets see if we can make this week a little more enjoyable.
GENERAL CONFERENCE!! woohoo for watching it tonight on my computer haha.
I miss you Utah friends, i promise to come visit in November.
